July 3, 2013

Skype Convos With -Insert Person Here-

One of the worst parts about graduating high school is that all of your friends that you've grown accustomed to seeing every day suddenly go off and do all these marvelous things and you don't really see them much anymore. One day, you and your friends are sitting around talking about the future, and the next it IS the future and you're away at college missing your friends and family. Or how about now that your first year of college is over, all of your college friends are scattered near and far - hardly close enough for you to visit them. How do you keep in touch with people?

Video Chats. And no, I don't mean like Omegle or Chat Roulette. Skype, Oovoo, FaceTime, Facebook... they're all ways to video chat with your friends that you can't otherwise see. HARNESS THIS POWER and wield it with care. The first semester that I was away at college, I Skyped with someone at least once a week. Usually it was my best friend, Stephanie, or my sister (which then included my mother, and sometimes even my father). It was a way to talk to them even without being there, and it also gave me something to fill the time with that would have otherwise been spent hiding in my room from my awful ex-roommates or doing absolutely nothing while my ex-boyfriend sat at his computers playing video games and ignoring me. (yes, computers as in plural. gotta love web design majors.)

College Rule #9
Don't underestimate the powers of Skype. It really helps emotionally and entertaining-wise to make you feel better, and it keeps you connected with people back home and friends away at other colleges.
Rule #10 About Jayy
She has 3 ex-boyfriends, although the first one doesn't really count. The first was a football player, the second, a theater kid, and the third is in her web design major. They're all vastly different, but they've all been gamers at some point or another. Hell, the second one is at college for video game design.

Likewise, once you've made friends at school and you all go home, you start to realize how near to impossible it will be to see most of them outside of school. Sometimes you get lucky and live close to them, or close enough to drive (like how I only live an hour from my boyfriend). More than likely, however, you will live to far to make a day trip 3 hours away to visit them (like every other single friend I made at college this past year). The worst part about that for me is that 2 of my best friends from school aren't coming back - so the amount of times I will see them in the foreseeable future are few and far between. This is why we Skype.

I Skype with Paul usually a few times a week, which would be excessive except that it's always web design related. 9 times out of 10 he needs my help with something, although he's also been known to Skype me because he's bored. I don't get to Skype Casshole so much because we both kinda suck at sitting down and being like, let's skype right now. But when we do Skype, it goes on for hours - just like all of our conversations. I'll even Skype my boyfriend a few times during the week, even though we usually see each other once a week. It's just really hard from going to talking to these people all the time, to never seeing them, so Skype helps.

Of course, there are numerous ways to use this tool. One of my favorites was the time I used it to Skype Paul into class. He was "sick" or something, I don't remember, but he jokingly asked me to Skype him in. So I did. Dr. Moon Master D is real chill, so he didn't mind. It DID bring a lot of unwanted attention to Paul and I, though.

College Rule #10
If you can't make it to class, you can always try to Skype in. Just make sure it's ok with your professor! (and that you have a friend with a computer in that class)

Skype Sessions are good for the soul. I've had my fair share that last hours on end. I've fallen asleep during them before. I've used them to do homework. I've used them catch up with friends. I've used them to entertain me when I'm bored. I've watched Catfish on Paul's TV. I've practiced songs. I've had dance parties. The possibilities are almost limitless.... the connection just cuts in and out, and you can't do anything physically... so, they are pretty limited... but get creative with it. Utilize the power of video chats!

In other news, Happy 4th of July to all of my fellow Americans out there! (a day early) Anybody doing anything fun for that? Well I hope everyone has a fun drunken holiday with explosives and good times.

Do you video chat with people? What's your favorite program to do it with?

Peace. Love. Skype Sesh.


  1. I've never been able to handle Skype. My boyfriend and I use it when facebook isn't working as a backup way to chat, but we've never called. Even my friends who live hours away... I've tried once but it mainly involved a lot of watching her friends hang out and it felt awkward. But maybe that's just me.

    And hey, every single one of my ex/boyfriends have also been into gaming! The first was a serious as HELL gamer to the point where if we didn't have a date planned, he made me go to game stores with him. Not the best.

    1. I try to avoid skyping with someone when they're with other people - cuz yeah, that is really awkward. When it's not being a b-hole, though, Skype definitely makes it easier for a lazy person like me to communicate with someone.

      Hehe, I've gone to game stores with my exes and my current boyfriend, but only sometimes on occasion... I don't know that I could handle that as a regular hanging out activity.

  2. Now that I've graduated, I'm going to start to fear all of this. :( I'm really going to miss all of my friends. I've already started to skype with some of them, haha. And skyping in on class? xD I find that extremely clever, though. Lol.
    I definitely prefer skype over everything else.

    And thanks for the congrats & about your comment about my layout! :) I'll be going to college in the fall of 2014. The school I want to go to is starting a new Media Arts program then. I'll have to take a foundation year, though, but that's quite alright with me because I kind of miss doing art projects and whatnot. Although I'm not looking forward to sketching out naked people. Lmao

    1. The good thing is that you won't lose all of your friends. The bad news is that you will slowly fall out of contact with a lot of people that you were friends with because you saw every day, but would never actually communicate with outside of that... and suddenly you feel like you don't have very many friends anymore. That's why you make friends at college and work.(:

      You should come to my school! Psych, haha. That's gonna be my last semester anyway... if everything goes according to plan. Foundation years are painful, but you'll be glad you had them in the long run. Plus, the longer you can stay in school, the better (minus the whole debts piling up thing.) School is better than the real world.
