Le Blog Roll

Through my many years and countless travels across the interwebs, I have come across a variety of people that I have had the privilege to call my "Site Friends". Though I've lost touch with most of them over the years for different reasons, there are a few that have stuck with me and are very dear to my heart (or some gooey, smoltzy crap like that). I wanted to list them all here - old and new, real life and just from the internet.

Karlee - 5 Years - Sister Site.
http:// k-smiles.org - Photography Blog

Karlee has been my friend ever since the good old Twilight days on Neopets back in 2008. Over the years we've been involved in many things together, from The Design to writing ATTEMPTING to write a book to being Sister Sites and good friends. I've watched her talent in everything grow over these past 5 years, and I'm so extremely jealous of how amazing all of her graphics, design, and photography are. Karlee is such a good friend, and I'm super glad to still be friends with her and to be her sister site.

Johanna - 8+ Years
http:// veilsvowsandeverafters.wordpress.com - Wedding Blog

Johanna and I go way back to Mrs. Drapiewski's 7th grade science class. That was the year we became friends, and Mr. Bachman's 8th grade English class is when we became best friends. This girl has been there for me through it all, and I hope that she can say the same about me. Johanna loves all things weddings, hence why she started this blog. It's even more perfect because she just got engaged! Eep.(:

Jess - 2 Years
http:// bilsk.net - Personal Blog

I met Jess whilst blog hopping, and instantly fell in love with her clean, minimalistic style and short yet interesting blog posts. I always love visiting her blog and stalking looking at her pictures. I'm grateful to have an interwebs friend like her.

Lyn - 3 Years
http:// snookumz.com - Personal and Resource Blog

Lyn was one of my very first "off neo" affiliates. She had soooo many resources, it was like heaven on the internet, and she affiliated with me! Since then, I've grown a lot closer with Lyn (especially through our DeviantArt comment conversations) and I'm glad I did. She's the nicest and a super great friend.

Mari - 4 Years
http:// mustardseed.feylife.in - Photography Blog

Mari was another "Twi Groupie" (there were so many of us Twilight Sites on Neopets, but only about 8 of us who continued on with web design after the whole fad and continued to be friends - known as the Twi Groupies) that I'm still friends with now. Because of this, she's also another person I've watched grow and excel in design. She's super sweet and such a lovely friend that I'm glad to have.

Marie - 1 Year
http:// hotpinkpullups.blogspot.com - Mommy Blog

I met Marie at school this past year, as she is in the same major as I am. Part time student, Full time Mom. Her 2 year old daughter is the cutest, and her blog is always fun to read. I'm definitely glad I became friends with her during CIRCLE CLASS this past semester, and it makes me happy to know that the Circle Team will assemble again! (even without Alyssa - sad face)

Taylor - 5 Years
http:// fey life.in - Personal and Resource Blog

Last but definitely not least is Taylor. Taylor is the other Twi Groupie that I have remained friends with. I always enjoy her sites and her designs. She's one of those people that I stalk all over the interwebs - though not in real life because that would be creepy... even more so because a few years ago we found out that we live half an hour apart from each other and really could end up bumping into each other at any time. Still has yet to happen though.


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