August 21, 2013

Insert School Interrupting Disease Here

That sounds like a knock knock joke, doesn't it?

knock knock.
who's there?
school interrupting disease.
school interrupting dis-

Apparently it's also a joke interrupting disease. But I guess that would be part of the joke.

Have you ever missed mass amounts of school due to your immune system not doing a decent enough job and getting some kind of contagious disease that makes your whole body hurt, your temperature sky rocket, your stomach want to explode, your throat hurt because of all of the drainage, your body wanting to sleep all the time, and gives you an inability to drink water - the one thing you're supposed to do to get better? Oh, let's add in having your period on top of that. This, my friends, has been my past 2 and a half weeks.

The first week I wasn't really sure why I was constantly hurting. Headaches and sore muscles for days. I still went out and did things, like finishing my summer classes or hanging out with my boyfriend and his friend at the mall. Of course, I was slightly miserable and dying the whole time. But these were important things. That Tuesday was the last day I would get to see one of my best friends who is moving 12 hours away for college this year. Those are the things you can't miss, no matter how achy you're feeling. So I pretty much ignored the fact that there was something wrong with me until my fever was super noticeable, and I was sweating bullets.

The second week was when the dehydration hit. Once the dehydration happens, you're screwed. For three days straight, I was throwing up, feeling awful, and barely able to move. I wasn't sore anymore, but every time I tried to eat or drink, I just wanted to throw it all back up. It took me all last week to get back to a point where I could eat and be somewhat active again. And do you know how awful it is to see food, want food, love food, but every time you try to actually eat it, you want to vomit? Horrible, horrible punishment.

This week has been mostly just me dealing with crazy drainage and allergy problems mixed in with the need to sleep about 5 hours more a day than normal... I feel like a cat. I'll be doing fine and then all of a sudden I'm crazy tired and need a nap.

And what all of this and the blood work that I've had done (not to mention my clever knock knock joke) is alluding to is that I have mono. Which, you know, isn't the WORST thing that could happen to a person, but it's certainly down there. Besides the fact that I can't do any contact sports (let's be real. i don't do sports at all - contact or not. so not an issue) I have missed (or am in the process of missing) my first week of classes. On top of that, my blood work that I had taken THIS week (and I absolutely loathe needles) shows that my strain is still active, and therefore means I'm still contagious, and I just really want to kiss my boyfriend. So how long do I have to wait before it's ok to do that again? Because, that's quite possibly the worst part of this whole thing. Like come on, I have been single for 21 years of my life (all of my relationships collectively have lasted 11 months-ish), and I have to get mono NOW? I know, I know, first world problems, I should be more concerned with the DISEASE and missing school. But whatever.

Rule #11 About Jayy
She is terrified of needles. Hates them with a passion. But she has 6 piercings, and wants 3 more and a tattoo.

While I'm complaining (it's what I do best), I just want to throw out there that I have no idea how I even got mono in the first place. My boyfriend doesn't have it. I haven't been kissing anyone else. And I'm the type of person who won't share drinks or food or anything like that cuz it freaks me out. My whole life I would actually get made fun of for being a "germaphobe" because I wouldn't share drinks. It's not that I'm a germaphobe. Just the thought of it freaks me out. But when everyone in marching band started getting mono my junior year, I thought to myself, hey. at least I know I won't get it because I don't put my mouth on stuff that other people have. WHY HAS THIS LOGIC FAILED ME NOW?! Oh well, I guess we'll never know.

So now that I've sufficiently talked about myself (because it's another thing that I do best) let's throw back all that we've just learned to help you. Firstly, if you're showing any symptoms like I was, keep an eye on it. It's unlikely that it's mono, but you could just be super lucky like me. Secondly, if you do end up having mono, make sure you get in contact with your school and let them know. I'm pretty sure my mom just dialed the schools number and told them the problem until they connected her to someone who could help, because how does one even know who to inform in a situation like that? Keep in contact with your professors. Email them. Ask them to send you anything you missed, or what they suggest for staying caught up with class. Don't drop off the face of the planet just because you have some mystery disease (it's french! - gilmore girls quote of the day) School is important, so try to stay on top of it as best you can.

If you so happen to get it right at the end of summer and you miss move in day, because what are the odds, make sure your housing director knows about it, too. That way she won't call you up 2 days later asking if you're still planning on moving in, because you never checked in, and she's starting to fill in spots with people on the waiting list.

Most importantly, just get plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluids. It's so cliche, and I've heard it so many times these past 2 and a half weeks, but it's true. The sooner you're better, the sooner you can get back to doing things normally. Plus, no one likes to feel sick anyway.

One last thing. If you're IGNORING the fact that you're sick because you just really want to go hang out with your friends or your boyfriend or something like that, please make sure you're ok to drive. If you're slightly feverish and not all there, you might accidentally hit a recycling bin not even a mile away from your house and take off your mirror and scratch the side of your car. I know driving isn't necessarily college related, but it's still something you should definitely take seriously and into consideration when you're sick. Sometimes driving while being sick is just as bad as driving while under the influence.

Oh, and because you might be wondering. The picture is from when I went to the lake 3 or so weeks ago with part of CIRCLE team. It was a super fun day, and I totally miss Alyssa and wish she were coming back. Of course I miss Sam, too, but I'm seeing him in 4 days. Anyway, just some photographic proof of how awesome I am. We just hung out at the lake all day - laid on the beach, went swimming, and went kayaking. We went to Sonic for dinner, and then I drove Sam home and we watched Percy Jackson and it was just a nice day.

So have a lovely first week of classes if you're back this week. If not, have a lovely week anyway. I'll try to write more about other college-y things soon, seeing as college is actually starting now.

Peace. Love. Mono.