June 23, 2013

Insert Summer Classes Here

It's summer and those warm, crazy nights with your friends, and sunny, free days at the beach are calling your name. It's a care free 3 months of doing everything you want and forgetting all about school. Right? Wrong. Especially if you live in Australia and it is in fact WINTER right now... basically, if you live in Australia, this blog is pretty much only good for a time killer and a few chuckles here and there. Anyway, some of us who want to graduate early (or are just making up for the year they took off) are enrolled in summer classes.

College Rule #7
Unless you have a good reason and every intention of going back (like you don't have the funds, or you aren't sure where to continue your schooling) don't take a year off from college. Just stick it out the couple of years and don't waste the time and effort you already put into it. If you stop going because you don't feel like going, you most likely will never go back.

So as you may have gathered, I am taking college classes during the summer. The plan is to take classes every semester so that I can graduate in Fall of 2014 (where normally people in my grade that do 4 year degrees will graduate in Spring of 2014). May I just say, it is so crazy to me that a lot of my friends that I graduated high school with either graduated early this past spring or are graduating this coming spring. When did I get so old? In order for me to graduate by next fall, I have to take classes over this summer and the next.

This summer I was to take my last math credit and my last PE credit. Why colleges require PE credits, I'll never know, and that's a rant for a different day. That was the plan anyway. Of course, leave it to Jordyn to eff things up. I signed up for the PE class with my best friend, Stephanie (which is awesome because I met her through that school and never have I been able to purposely schedule a class with a friend). My math class was a virtual online one. I've never taken a virtual online class before... and I can still honestly say that I haven't.

Essentially, my super awesome community college's system is that they only send emails to the email account they provide you, but once you stop going to school there, they shut off your account and you have to call in to reenact it. Well, you can bet your bottom dollar that they shut off my email account after the year I was away from them. Did I know that? Nope, of course not. So, I'm sitting here expecting to get an email or SOMETHING from them about my virtual class. And nothing. Eventually, June 17th rolls around and my PE class is scheduled to start the next day. I'm thinking, This is odd. Math definitely should have started by now. Let me check my schedule again.

Well, I checked my schedule and low and behold it said that I was dropped from my math class on June 4th. After a ridiculously huge ..erm.. mild panic attack full of nauseousness, bawling, and massive spazzed out texts to my boyfriend, I told my mother where more panic attacks and fits of bawling pursued. You see, I'm definitely not the type of person to skip class, or just not show up. Not even in high school. The fact that so much money rides on a single class, not to mention my goal of graduating by the end of 2014, is not something you just throw away. We only got a 50% refund. The whole situation was just a giant misunderstanding and really lame. I honestly don't ever want to go back there (not like I did after I finished my Spring 2012 semester), but I don't really have a choice. The credits are cheaper there.

College Rule #8
Make sure that you have constant contact with your school. If they only send emails to you through the email account they gave you, than make sure you're checking it regularly and that it's still available to you.

So besides that unfortunate happening, my PE class has gone alright. I've only had one class so far, and already my arms feel like they're going to fall off... and that was 3 days ago. On the plus side, I did 22 "push ups" in a minute... you know, 22 of my girly only go half way down push ups because I have no upper body strength or any strength at all. I won't lie to you, I may be skinny, but I am far from physically fit. I'm surprised I even did 22. Even worse, though, is that this gym class has homework. Yippee skippee The only good part about it is that I'm taking it with Steph. I got to hang out with her after class on Thursday. We went and got food and I sang "I Want It That Way" loudly at the gas station because it was playing, I'm still living in the 90's, and the Backstreet Boys will forever be cooler than One Direction.

Rule #9 About Jayy
She doesn't exercise. She doesn't eat healthy. So don't assume she's fit or in shape just because she's skinny. And ESPECIALLY don't argue with her about it. I think she knows her body a little better than you do.

So if you're having as crappy a summer as me with all of that school nonsense, it's important to remember that it IS still summer, and you should still be having all of your summer adventures and fun. Last Wednesday, I went to the lake with my friend Brittany, and we had a marvelous time. The weather was so nice out. It was a perfect day. We went walking on the docks, trying to catch fish with our bare hands in the lake, and then making flower crowns up on the grassy hill. It's little moments like those that add up to make your summer amazing. Make sure you take as many of those moments that seem like nothing instead of just sitting in your room all day watching TV. There's always something to do other than just school, work, and TV. Make the most of your summer.

Oh, and good news. I'm that much closer to getting my portfolio up and running. I just want a few people to look over it first to make sure it's good enough, and then I'll put it online. I've also gotten a new twitter account to go along with it here. Follow if you'd life. If not, definitely follow Insert Here on twitter. I'll love you for forever.

What are you doing this summer/winter? Ever take virtual classes before?

Peace. Love. Winter in Australia.


  1. Yeah people kept recommending me to take a gap year, because I have no idea what I want to do, and really didn't want to go to university (but I kind of have to, what was I going to instead?) but I was like no, because then it'll be harder to get back to a school mind set. I hope you can graduate by fall next year!

    That sounds really frustrating, with your college and their emails. I wouldn't have known either that your email gets shut off once you stop. And that sucks that you only got 50% refund, but at least it's something? It's annoying because it's something that could've been avoided if they had a better emailing system.

    Haha virtual classes. No I've never taken them before, I don't think I would actually learn anything. My friend had to take a subject online, and it was just ridiculous. She had 'phone lessons'. I don't think you can really learn like that!

    I live in Australia, so Winter here, and it has not been great. Just working. The weather has been horrible, so I spend most of my time in bed haha.

    1. Yeah, that would be one of the few reasons I could understand wanting to take a break, because school costs a lot of money - especially when you don't really have a direction you want to go. Good for you for sticking with it, though.(:

      My school has online gym classes -_- Perfect, right? Yeah, I think I'd benefit more from actually being in a class learning things where I'm not forced to post on discussion boards and the professor is right there if I need help.

      Yuck, horrible weather. I guess it's just horrible everywhere =/ I spend a lot of my time in bed, too xD

  2. Hey Jayy, do you remember me, Zoe from Blonde Moment?
    I've got a new site now too! It is winter in New Zealand too, all horrible and rainy :(

    1. Course I remember you, Zoe!(: Yay for new sites! What is it?

      Don't rainy winters usually equal snowy winters? Or is it not cold enough where you are for that? Unfortunately for me, it's been a rather rainy summer - makes it hard to go out and do stuff outside. *grumpy face*

    2. I thought I'd used my Open ID and linked to my site, but it somehow reverted to my google account. My new site is:

      Nope, not cold enough for snow. In the heart of winter last year we got some slush, but that only happens every 70 years!
